Start Date:
Thursday, 29 July, 2021
End Date:
Friday, 30 July, 2021
Time From:
Time To:
Seats Available:
CGN restaurants
Unit 4 Crusader Business park, Stephenson Road
Extra Details:
Please be aware that this course will be conducted under strict Covid-19 distancing measures. Please bring own drinks and lunch as kitchen will be isolated. Please wear comfortable clothes as course is interactive. Students will be asked to wear 3 ply masks and gloves during parts of the class. Students will be seated 2m apart and follow strict hygiene standards. Students will have their temperature checked on arrival. Students will have to have finished the online section of the course before the classroom section. Please bring your smart phones to do the final exam. Please note that the online course must not be completed more than 6 weeks prior to the classroom part. Bring photo ID and a black pen.