The ProTrainings First Aid at Work Level 3 Requalification Qualification (FAW) is ideal for most businesses whose risk assessment has identified that they require a fully trained first aider for their workplace and they need to requalify their certification. All courses are delivered, evaluated and quality assured to meet the new guidelines set out by the HSE in October 2013 and meet the requirements of the First Aid at Work (First Aid) regulations 1981. This course must be at least 12 contact hours and run over a minimum of 2 day and the certificate is valid for 3 years. The FAW course must be delivered as a 100% classroom course and cannot be delivered via online or blended training to comply with the HSE requirements. Candidates completing our FAW courses receive access to Protrainings video library for refreshing skills and reference. This course is only for people who already hold a valid First Aid at Work certificate and they can take this 2 day course rather than the full 3 day FAW. You must have a copy of your original certificate. The HSE strongly recommend that all first aiders complete an annual first aid refresher course.